RADS Digitized

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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


Today, I rode my bike all the way from home (Millwoods) to Downtown, so that I could go and get a reduction on the speeding ticket. I thought it would take me 1.5 hours to get there, but I made it in an hour. Pretty good, eh? The hardest part was going up those stairs by Hotel McDonald...Oh my God! That just kicked my ass! I couldn't look up because I couldn't see the end of the stairs (it's all psychological), so instead, I looked down at the steps and kept pushing my bike up (thank god for those bike rails on the side of the stairs! I can't imagine having to carry it up!!!!).

So I get to the traffic ticket place and they tell me that my ticket has not been processed yet! It's due in one week (may 11th) and they still haven't done so yet?! Dan joked that maybe it got lost and with my luck, I won't have to pay it. YA RIGHT. I wish!


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