RADS Digitized

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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


For the first time ever in my life, I got pulled over by the cops...for speeding (what else would it be for?) Apparently, I was doing 80 in a 60 zone. Usually I am cautious and aware of photo radar, and I usually only go 10 over the speed limit.... However, I was on my way to an interview (I applied at different golf courses to be a server for the summer, to make some good tips) and my mind must have been preoccupied with that. Either that, or I was overexcited about the 2 new pairs of sandals I just bought 5 minutes previous to getting the ticket. Ah, what I typical woman thing.

Surprisingly, I am not that upset about the ticket, I mean...I guess I deserved it if I was going that fast. Lesson learned, much worse things can happen (like an accident). I'll be taking it to the courts to get the amount ($124) reduced...and there's no way I'll tell my mom about it. My dad got a photoradar ticket about a month ago, and my mom was still nagging at him last week for getting it! I'm just going to go up to my dad and show him the ticket..."Like father, like daughter".


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