RADS Digitized

This site is brought to you by Roz & Dan, dedicated to pass your time and entertain you...Enjoy!

Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


[Roz] YAY! I got a haircut today! I absolutely love getting my hair snipped - it makes me feel like an anxious and excited 5 year old girl in a candy store, as my anticipation for the haircut appointment builds. I just get really sick of my hair so when I think about getting my hair cut, I get pumped about how it's going to look. I'm sure girls reading this can relate.
So after trying to grow out my hair for about 9 months, I finally couldn't handle the plainess of my hair anymore. I realized that I finally got to the point that I'm wearing it alot in boring ponytails lately. So I got my hair cut to look like Meg Ryan's - choppy and shaggy- how I usually like it. I probably got a good 2-3 inches off too. My mom and dad said they couldn't tell though - but I think that's probably b/c they don't see me enough. I think it's significantly different. I guess you guys will have to judge from the next batch of photos.


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