RADS Digitized

This site is brought to you by Roz & Dan, dedicated to pass your time and entertain you...Enjoy!

Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


On a lighter note: As many of you know, I absolutely LOVE listening to the morning show on 97.3 K-Rock . Terry, Bill and Steve (the morning hosts) are hilarious and they always talk about interesting things (mainly, sex-related topics). Yesterday, they were talking about which cartoon character or super hero would you sleep with and tons of people called in. It was great! There were some funny answers. I just checked out the k-rock site and there's a link to cartoon porn. Click here for a laugh (warning: "adult" site). It feels ironic to say that it's an adult site, although it features girls of Disney movies. I guess if I had to pick one, it would have to be either Neo from The Matrix (we all know how crazy I am about Keanu Reeves!) or Superman because then we could do it in mid-air. As for a cartoon character, I would have to say Eric from "The Little Mermaid". I HAD a crush on him WHEN (not since!) I was a little girl! Also, maybe Tarzan...ok, I think I'm putting too much thought into this. Anyways, who would you pick and why?


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