RADS Digitized

This site is brought to you by Roz & Dan, dedicated to pass your time and entertain you...Enjoy!

Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


WOW! FINALLY Dan posts!!! YAY! Ok, ok...so Dan's beat me 30 times at foozball but I've still beat him 2 times. That's pretty good...right? C'mon, humor me and just agree with me, people!
On another subject, today at karate, it was interesting. It was the first day of class for this semester and already, one of the yellow belts (second level) got his shoulder dislocated! It was a freak accident. I think he went to block a punch and BAM! It came out of the socket! I didn't see that (since I was sparring with another student). However, when I realized that he wasn't back in the dojo, I went outside of the gym to see what was going on (I can do that since I'm an instructor - ahh..the power!) He was losing feeling in his hand, so we called an ambulance.
I should have been back in the dojo helping the other Sensei teach, but this was MUCH more exciting. It's not like I get to see this everyday. I REALLY wish I had my camera with me because at one point, the paramedic injected the IV needle into his arm and as he was doing that, he looked away to reach for something else. As soon as that happened, blood squirted everywhere!!! It was spewling all over his hand, the paramedic's hand and the carpet! Luckily, I was far away enough not to get sprayed. EWWW. The poor guy asked "Uh, was that suppose to happen!?" and the paramedic replied with embarassment,"Uh...no". Oops. He kept a very good sense of humor and asked for more morphine. Wow, not everyday I get to see something like this happen, especially at karate (not very many students get injured, due to strict control).


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