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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


The Train Doesn't Stop Here!

Wow! I had an awesome day today counselling inmates at the jail! I had three really good sessions with my caseload clients. In fact, I was able to ask my supervisor about (re)implementing a family counselling service (provided by yours truly!) for when inmates' families come visit them.

I saw some really happy clients today when I ran the idea by them that I would like to sit in some sessions with themself and their family. In fact, we made some phonecalls to their family members, who were more than receptive about coming in.

I honestly believe that having their family members come into therapy with them will help these people achieve some goals (they are already very motivated turning their lives around) because of the extra support, and if everyone in the system can open up and lay all issues out in the open, then we can explore them together and hopefully discover ways to get the families and inmates back on their feet together as a team.

Wow, I'm just a super optimistic person, aren't I?! Gotta love me! ;)

Since starting counselling on a regular basis, I realize that this is exactly what I want to do, and that I am glad I do not have regrets or uncertainty about being a psychologist. You know how some people go through so many years of school, only to discover that they don't really love what they major in? Well, not this cat here! I am totally having fun counselling people. It's super rewarding to know that I am making a difference in someone's life. I already have had a client ask to come back to see me specifically because she felt tremendous relief after our therapy session together. I was quite flattered. Wow...that in itself is powerful and rewarding for me to know that this is definitely what I was meant to do.


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