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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com



Ok, so the pressure to get a videotape of myself counselling either a couple/family is on...and I cannot even start that until I get my criminal record check from the police.

WELL GRRRR. The police are LITERALLY giving me the run around...as I have been to the RCMP about three times in December to get my crim check, and the first time I didn't have my birth certificate on me (so that was my fault),and the second time, some other hassle occurred, and then finally I got one done in Fort Saskachewan. For one of my internship sites, which I got placed at the beginning of January informed me that the RCMP crim check is NOT good enough, and that I need the one from the police.

In addition, crim checks should be FREE for volunteers (my internship is NOT a paid position, unfortunately), and so as of January 2005, all interns must pay for their criminal record check. Ok, whatever, no biggie. So I went to get my crim check done and sent out last week sometime. But...

Today, the police call me and informs me that my form is not completed. UGH. The police at the station where I filled out my form last week were totally incompetent, and I knew that they had no idea how to do a crim. rec check as they were trying to figure it out. Wow. Incredible. I thought that was a procedural thing for them.

Soooo...that brings me to play more of the waiting game...and slowly counting down to 2 weeks time that I have to get a videotape done (as I have an intensive in the 3rd week, so I won't even be able to get any hours at my site that week).

The worse thing that will happen if I do not submit a videotape (well actually I need THREE) on the day that I am to present it (along with a report, including a TRANSCRIPT OF EVERY SINGLE WORD I SAY FOR THIRTY MINUTES-which is GOING TO TAKE FOREVER TO DO)is that I will not be able to take the next casestudy class until I complete the videotapes.

The biggest stressor is that I work in a walk-in clinic, so it is not even guaranteed that I will get couples/families for clients in time. (My class does not accept videos of me couselling individuals). So I'm frustrated b/c I do not want to delay my studies just because of some factors that are out of my control.

So that is my bitch sesssion. Thanks for reading. *SIGH*


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