RADS Digitized

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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


*SIGH* After searching the Hub's lost and found, Hub administration, and campus security (yes, they actually suggested I check there, sounds weird to me too) - no sign of my pretty blue Nalgene water bottle.

In other news, I just spoke with the dumbest, ditziest girl (receptionist) ever! I just phoned a hair salon to book a hair appointment, and she answered.

Me: Hi, can you tell me about your promo you have this week about the free highlights?

Girl: Oh...I -uh- don't really know anything about the- uh- promo...(nervous giggling)...yeah...uh...

Me: Well is there someone I can talk to who knows?

Girl: (More nervous giggling) Well, uh, like, I'm, like, the only, like, receptionist here, like, right now...maybe, like, you can phone back, like, tomorrow?

Me: (thinking how many times does this girl have to say "like" in one sentence!?!?!") Well, can I just make an appointment for Wednesday at 2pm?

Girl: Sure...Wednesday, like, what time?

Me: ?! (Didn't I JUST tell her?!) ...Two...Foooor Weeeedddnnnessssdaaaaayyyy.

Ok, I really didn't exaggerate "For Wed" but I should have...judging her, she probably would put it down for today or something.

I couldn't believe there are actually people that talk that stupid! Maybe she had too many chemicals in her hair and it fried her brain? Oh well, makes me feel a little smarter knowing that there are people as absent minded as this girl.


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