RADS Digitized

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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


Ouch...we got killed tonight in the soccer game. The final score was 7-0 for the snobby Ice girls. And I mean snobby - I would try to make a joke or say something nice to the girls and they didn't even crack a smile. Their last goal was sweet, a corner kick followed by a header right into the net - and I complimented to about 3 of them - not one bitch said "Thank you". Rudeness is one of my biggest pet peeves! Ugh. I have heard from other teams we played against how snobby these girls were (and how nice we were), and man, are they ever right. Well, what goes around, comes around....

Think I sound bitter? I think I'm just in a pissy mood - not sure why. Pondering upon my life and I know I have it good, but I'm bored. I'm going to vent some anger: I don't want to work anymore, I just want to go back to school. I'm sick of working and waking up early 5 days a week to deal with some crabby kid in the morning, and his highly anxious mother. ARGH! I hate having to worry about getting enough sleep and I'm sick of my research project I have to do for my internship. On top of that, I'm frustrated in dealing with the multiple, non-stop injuries I am getting. Sunday, rolled my ankle again. Tonight, I got my knee bruised good (so good, it hurts to bend it) and my shins are all painted with bruises. I know I'm being a big baby, but it feels good to bitch and whine -because we all need to sometimes. I also need another holiday!


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