RADS Digitized

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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


And for anyone else who cares...HA!!!! I TOTALLY knew it !!! I *hate* the whole J.Lo and Ben Affleck idea - I totally thought they got together for publicity's sake from the beginning. They don't even seem to *match* or click when I look at them together. Not that I care much about Hollywood life (except for Keanu Reeves' of course!) but Jennifer Lopez (I HATE the name J.Lo too!) and Ben Affeck together annoy me for some reason. Everytime someone mentions them together, I just have to roll my eyes and think, Good God, they are just together b/c Hollywood thinks they should be. You get one good looking top-of-the-females-star person, and then a good looking top-of-the-males-star person and BAM - a manufactured couple. How genunine is that? How convenient is that for their status? Grrrrr. I give them 3 more months. Just read about how pathetic Affleck is over her (i.e., $3000 worth of roses to make up for their fight-what a WASTE of money)! Makes me sick, especially since this money can go to charity. Oh, and if he cheats on her? She gets $1 million dollars. Whatever happened to being down to earth, Jenny from the Block?


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