RADS Digitized

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Taken at Leif and Andrea's housewarming, January 2005

EMAIL & MSN: rozzy21@hotmail.com


My mom went hardcore on the cooking and baking today - and as of this moment, I am STUFFED. Mom made lasagna with whole wheat noodles, which was the first time I've tried whole wheat noodles. Honestly, I think they taste better than the regular noodles, and plus, it's healthier! I don't feel so bad about eating the carbs either!

Then mom made blueberry-banana muffins with whole wheat flour (I gotta lot of fiber in me now!) and those were deeeelicious! Mmm-mmm!

And for supper we had a juicy turkey, with mashed potatoes, stuffing and bach-choy (Ok, I know I totally spelled that wrong, but you know what I'm talking about).

After supper, I couldn't help myself, and I had a Hawaiian-nut chocolate - and right now, I am soooo craving for more (I can't stop picturing myself holding the box of chocolates in my lap, and stuffing my mouth full of them - one after another...ooooh man...how badly I want to do that right now...but I won't.)


It's probably b/c I've been depriving myself of chocolate lately. Mmmm. Chocolate.... I swear, I can't stop thinking about that box calling my name.

In other news, 2 midterms down, 2 more midterms and 1 paper to go (for this week anyways). And less than 2 weeks until Dan comes home and I go to Mexico! Whoo-hoo!


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